
Attitude of Service

What happened, I wonder. My house is just so messy--untidy really, even (oops) unclean. Gone is the neatness and cleanliness of yesteryear. The voice in my head frantically screeches to a crescendo, “How did I get here?” Heavenly Father, I whimper, I don’t even know where to begin. My room is as messy as the kids’ rooms. Sadly, I have lost any bit of leverage with them. All my motherly pleadings regarding the disarray that is their respective rooms now, obviously, fall on deaf ears. Every other area of our home is much the same. I have failed my spouse, my kids, myself and my God; and I don’t even know how.

Or do I? Like most habits, this level of untidiness came little by little. I did not even recognize it as it was happening. Scary, and certainly that’s a lesson in and of itself. A chance neglect here, being too rushed to do this over there, overlooking chores for schoolwork or projects, a husband that leaves early and comes home late, and two chronic, debilitating illnesses whereby I either tire easily or battle pain. As I look around my home, I am so ashamed; but I am writing this just in case there are any women like me out there, who have not maintained a Proverbs 31, kind of life. I write because there is hope for us, and more importantly, God has absolutely not given up on us.

For our family, God has showed us that we have to make some attitude adjustments. We must learn to be of service to each other in our home. Simple, but profound. We are of much service to our church family, but not to each other, at home. We need to also do the work that is at hand, and we need to do it now. Funny, my mother always used to say to us kids, "Never leave for tomorrow, what you can do today", as usual my mother was right. Having learned the hard way, I am not likely to forget that maxim ever again. (I am hoping that my kids won't either). So we haven't made formal New Year's Resolutions, but, I am thinking that this year, is going to cleaner and more organized, tahn ever before, all done by a family that has learned the art of being of service in the home.

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